Ahhh. That wonderful Winter Break rhythm.
10AM: Roll out of bed wrapped in a soft blanket with fuzzy slippers.
10:15AM: Eat breakfast.
10:30AM: Laze around, go on Facebook, speculate on prospective holiday gifts.
12:00PM: Eat lunch.
12:15PM: Maybe go to a friend's house. Maybe go ice skating. Nah. Too much work.
6:00PM: Eat dinner.
7:30PM: Option A: Open a Hanukkah present, play dreidel, and eat chocolate gelt (the ones made in Israel, not China, because Chinese gelt has melamine in it)
Option B: Check Facebook. Speculate on prospective holiday gifts. Then watch a movie.
12AM: Go to bed. Unless you're at a party. In that case:
3AM: Stumble into bed.
So, obviously, the one and only subject that everyone wants to think about right now is FINALS, right?
Congratulations to those of you have already taken (and hopefully passed) those dreaded exams. Unfortunately, all we Paly kids have yet to partake in this infamous institution of higher education.
Several experts sounded off on whether the administrative decision to have Winter Break preceed finals is doing any favors for GPAs. And by experts, I do not mean the school administration (although they do perform the crucial functions of legislating, enforcin
g, AND interpreting school policy), nor do I mean those parents who remember exactly what it was like to be a high school student at finals time.
I mean us. We, the students, have spoken. And here is what we said.